Android studio build apk for release
Android studio build apk for release

At the bottom of that screen, an error will be shown, and the right of that error an fix button will be shown, we have to click on that fix button,.Then run the application, then an edit configuration screen will be Open. First, select the build variant to Release,.How to run the release Variant of the app It is good practice in Android testing to test the release version of the application instead of the debug version of Application. We can see that the max percentage of the application testing is the unit testing which is done on code basis or we can say that the developer side. some cross functional tests if your application integrates intensively with other Application components.20-30 % functional tests to ensure that the application really works.

android studio build apk for release android studio build apk for release

70-80 % unit tests to ensure the stability of your code basis.

android studio build apk for release

A good rule of thumb is to have the following distribution of tests: In this small blog, we will discuss how to run the release Variant of the app and enable logcat while running release app.Īfter the successful build the application we have to test that app very well for the application stability. In general, you should focus your Android tests on testing the business logic of your application.

Android studio build apk for release